《Supply Chain Excellence(卓越供应链)》一书开篇给出了最好的阐述。
“Once, at a seminar on the supply chain operations reference model, an executive in attendance opened the Q&A portion with the request: "Most of us don't have good control of our supply chains-inside the company or with trading partners. What two or three things would you say to motivate us to address the supply chain?"
“If you can define your supply chain——which isn't hard to do——then you can measure it,”Peter(the author) answered. “Once you’ve measured it, you'll find the opportunities are so big that you won't need any more motivation. You’ll want to drive continuous improvement in your supply chain.”
Like most bandwagons, supply chain management has been defined and redefined in many ways over the past ten years. To a large degree, the definition depends on your motivation and interest.”
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