中国西安 Xi’an, China
2022年9月16日 September 16, 2022
CEVA Logistics宣布其在中国西安的全国铁路集结中心正式开启,该集结中心是CEVA大中华区战略增长计划的重要一环,旨在为客户提供智能高效、可视化运营、绿色环保的物流方案。
As part of its strategic growth plan in Greater China, CEVA Logistics announced in today’s opening ceremony that it has established an unmanned Rail LCL Consolidation Center in Xi’an, China. CEVA will provide customers with operations efficiency and green logistics options.
西安是中欧货运班列的枢纽城市,以完善的基础设施和标准的作业流程闻名于世,而地处西安的CEVA Logistics 全国铁路集结中心(下称“集结中心”),也将成为无缝连接中国与东南亚、中亚和欧洲的陆运转运中心,通过铁路、TIR卡车或卡铁联运等方式为客户提供多种陆运服务。
CEVA Rail LCL Consolidation Center (“the Center”) is situated in Xi’an, a hub city for China-Europe freight trains and known for its good infrastructure and standard operation. It will serve as a transshipment center that seamlessly connects China to Southeast Asia, Central Asia and Europe.
With the establishment of the Center, CEVA will advance its deployment and competitiveness on rail product offerings (Xi’an Express Block Train, Xi’an Premium Train, Xi’an E-Commerce Train) and leverage resources to forge a road-rail transportation hub.
集结中心设在西安国际港务区内,是首个以无人仓运营和绿色物流为特色的仓库,占地4600平方米,已获TAPA 认证,其中无人仓库占地 2300 平方米。仓库配备了烟雾探测器、消防喷淋系统和火灾报警系统等基本设施,还配有远程监控系统以及与海关联网的7x24小时实时闭路电视监控。
The Center covers a TAPA certified unmanned warehouse (4600 sqm). Equipped with warehouse essentials such as smoke detector, fire sprinkler system and fire alarm system, it boasts remote monitoring system and 24/7 real-time CCTV linked to customs.
In addition, AI controlled electric forklift will release labor from heavy workload and improve productivity, accuracy and safety.
With the establishment of the Center, CEVA expands its strategic footprint in Central China and commit to investment in smart logistics and Ground & Rail capabilities.
The Center is the first warehouse in Xi’an International Trade and Logistics Park featuring unmanned warehouse operation and green logistics. In addition to improved operation efficiency and enabled operation visibility, CEVA has entered into strategic cooperation with industry leading electric vehicle and AI truck provider to elevate green transport solutions in real supply chain scenarios.
For CEVA’s long-term development and commitment in local market, as well as its responsive and quality service, CEVA and its Rail department was respectively awarded “Official Partner” and “Premium Partner with China Railway Express Chang’an” by local authority (“Xi’an International Trade and Logistics Park”).
CEVA Logistics大中华区董事总经理朱彦青表示:
Joanna Zhu, Greater China Managing Director, CEVA Logistics, said:
“依托地缘优势和本土渠道优势,在西安的全国铁路集结中心采用了综合物流模式,即先集结国内货物和过境货物,再将其快速运输至亚太和欧洲地区。CEVA Logistics在中国将继续投资于智能物流技术,为客户提供可持续发展的绿色物流服务。”
“Relying on geographical and local channel advantage, Xi’an Rail LCL Consolidation Center adopts integrated logistics mode, i.e. consolidate domestic and transit cargos and transport the goods to AP and Europe. CEVA Logistics will continue to invest in sustainability and green logistics.”
Kelvin Tang, Vice President of Ground & Rail Product, Greater China and Global Rail & Multimodal Product Leader, CEVA Logistics, said:
“Xi 'an is the origin of the Silk Road, as well as a strategic network for the development of the Belt and Road Initiative. In 2021, nearly one-third of CEVA's freight trains from China to Europe started in Xi 'an, and the service has been recognized by our customers. The establishment of Xi’an Rail LCL Consolidation Center will greatly improve the efficiency of freight transit and support Truck-Rail intermodal transport and TIR Truck between China and Europe while providing the China-Europe Rail Express service."
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